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Venice last won the day on May 15 2022

Venice had the most liked content!

About Venice

  • Birthday April 9

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Venice's Achievements

  1. I hate @jihad kekistani but I love the melon gun my steamid is STEAM_0:0:592485857
  2. Venice

    Venice's Shop

    buy ronald today (courtesy of @Billy bongus)
  3. Venice

    Venice's Shop

    Change Ronald updated again for the third time today, changed model to models/player/dod_american.mdl and added m9k_m249lmg.
  4. Venice

    Venice's Shop

    Changes Ronald custom job ownership bought, PM me or DM me at Kool-Aid#1279 if you'd like a slot, more weapons are being added shortly. Added M14 and 100 armor to Ronald, PM me if you would like to buy. He does, I just forgot to change the template to Sprickles.
  5. Venice

    Venice's Shop

    Changes Custom jobs bought, I am now selling brute, phone and prostitute. (thanks @Sprickles for the strip ) Thanks holm for the brute template!!
  6. You are 87% Socialiser 73% Explorer 27% Killer 13% Achiever @Plomholt
  7. Thank you all for the kind words!! (except Chris) Soon I'll be faster than you at appeals!!!
  8. Venice

    Venice's Shop

    Changes Rebellion SOLD Buying custom jobs ranging from 20-35 GBP, NO CHIEF INSPECTOR, REBELLION OR PROSTITUTE.
  9. i can sell you prostitute for a low price
  10. You can just do bind <key> "+use ; +reload" I'm pretty sure.
  11. Venice

    Venice's Shop

    Changes Selling rebellion, for more info DM me at Kool-Aid#1279
  12. Venice

    Venice's Shop

    Changes Selling prostitute, for more info DM me at Kool-Aid#1279
  13. why am i not on this list However, all are pretty solid people, especially @Toast, who is one of my favorite players and probably my best friend on CG
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